Zanzibar Gem Zamioculcas Zamiifolia Money plant
Zanzibar Gem Zamioculcas Zamiifolia Money plant
Zanzibar Gem Zamioculcas Zamiifolia Indoor Plants for plant beginner ZZ Plant
A great house plant to decorate home with minimum care Zanzibar Gem which is commonly called as Zz is a stunning artificial looks house plant. It has dark green thick glance foliage which makes it look fake plant.
Zz is generally growing quite slow
Zz plant Care
Light: bright to medium light, avoid direct sunlight, and place a little away from the window.
It can be placed in a shady room too, but it will slow down the growth.
Water: We generally give water once in 10days to 2week as it will store water on their foliage.
you will get similar size plant from image and video :)
All plants will be wrapped with pot and soil, and packed securely.
The orders will be dispatch on every Monday and Tuesday with Express post,
Due to regulation, we only can send plant to NSW, VIC, ACT, QLD and SA in Australia.
Thank you